Monday, April 13, 2009

Untruthful Bolling Calls Muldoon Liar to Distract From his Record

Bill Bolling at a recent Bloggers event accused Patrick Muldoon of lying about his record, in regard to Bill's support of HB 2035, the mandatory HPV vaccinations for all Virginia girls 12 years and older.

Bill's own website lists this bill as one of his legislative accomplishments in this statement:
"Together, we worked to pass important legislation that will provide economic development opportunities for localities with high unemployment, crack down on gang violence, expand the death penalty by repealing the so called triggerman rule, improve the health of women and children, protect children from online dangers, increase benefits for law enforcement officers and reach out to the changing face of Virginia."

"I strongly encourage the Governor to sign this legislation into law without amendment. By doing so, we will make significant strides toward building a better Virginia," added Bolling.

• HB 2035 - Hamilton - Human papillomavirus vaccine; added as required vaccination with parental opt-out;

Now a little research reveals that HB 2035 had an opt-out rather than an opt-in, and only allowing the opt-out to this intrusive vaccine for religious or health reasons.

Who is lying here, Bill??

In an ironic twist of fate that cannot make Bolling too happy, the Family Research Council condemns this legislation in it's mandatory form, though the Family Foundation of Virginia gives Bolling a 100% rating.

I am told by former associates of the FF that these ratings, sadly, are the result of the compilation of specific votes on specific bills that give what at times can be the misimpression of perfection on family issues, resulting in a high rating that may or may not be deserved.
Bolling loves to cite his rating from the FF as proof of his pro-family credentials, but the facts suggest otherwise.

For instance, I am told Family Foundation supported the admitted pro-abort Jim Gilmore last year over the 100% pro-life Marshall, for the misguided reason that he had a "better chance to win".
Gilmore's 35% of the vote in the general election speaks to the wisdom of such reasoning.

But I digress....
Ask yourself why all of a sudden is this vaccine so critical?
Merck is the maker of Gardisil, the HPV drug that Merck is pushing in a new nationwide effort to market it as a critical health issue.

Bolling and others have received contributions from Merck for their efforts to push legislation making this a required vaccination.
The National Lieutenant Governors Association, of which Bolling is chairman, has made Merck's efforts a top legislative priority.

Merck has aggressively launched an effort to convince the States to make this vaccine mandatory for schoolgirls, but only Virginia has so far required it for entry into school.
This excerpt from the NYT is damning, and I have provided the link to the entire story.....
( the red text below is my addition)

Persuading the Governments

In country after country, Merck and Glaxo also appealed to politicians. Vaccines, unlike antibiotics, tend to be recommended or mandated by governments. “We support(translated campaign donations) policy leaders and try to educate legislators,” Dr. Haupt said.

In the United States, 41 states have passed or begun considering legislation on cervical cancer, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, and 24 have considered proposals to mandate the vaccine for girls, generally in middle school.

Many bills, like ones passed in Colorado, New Jersey and New York, allocate more money for HPV and cervical cancer education or to promote the vaccine. Others, like proposals in Iowa and Louisiana, require insurers to cover it.( government meddling in free enterprise)

The only state to pass a bill requiring the vaccine for school entry is Virginia; it takes effect in October, after school begins, so will first apply in 2009.

(HB 2035 applies to ALL girls public, private, or homeschool)

Merck has a growing economic interest in Virginia. In December 2006, Merck announced it would invest $57 million to expand its Elkton, Va., plant to make Gardasil, helped by a $700,000 grant from a state economic development agency that is part of the executive branch. Two months later, Gov. Tim Kaine, who has been mentioned as a possible Democratic vice presidential candidate, signed legislation requiring Gardasil for schoolgirls. Four months after that, Merck pledged to invest $193 million more in the plant to make drugs and vaccines, helped by a state grant of $1.5 million.

Bolling requested the taxpayer funds referenced in the statement above highlighted in blue text.
Here is an excerpt from his own press releases:

January 23, 2007: Lieutenant Governor Bolling and Secretary Tavenner Highlight Women's and Children's Health Inititiaves - Bolling and Tavenner support childhood obesity study, funding for cervical cancer vaccinations and expanded access to prenatal care

"Lieutenant Governor Bolling joined Secretary Tavenner in supporting of the following women's and children's health care legislation…

- Funding for Human Palillomavirus (HPV) Vaccinations. - Governor's Budget Amendment - Adds $1.4 million GF to supply local health departments with the HPV vaccine for girls who are ineligible for the federally-funded Vaccines for Children for Children Program and who are not expected to receive the vaccine from private health insurance."


Bolling is also mentioned as leader in Merck's fight to get this legislation;

But, as in many states where cervical cancer legislation has been considered, there have been ties between drug makers and members of government. In 2006, one of Merck’s newly hired Virginia lobbyists was Sandra D. Bowen, who had spent years as Virginia’s secretary of administration. And Bill Bolling, the state’s lieutenant governor, became an outspoken participant in the “Ending Cervical Cancer in Our Lifetime” campaign, a program started in 2006 by the National Lieutenant Governors Association(Bolling is the Chairman) and financed largely by Merck and Glaxo.

“This is an important public health issue,” said Randy Marcus, Mr. Bolling’s spokesman.

In stark contrast to Mr. Marcus' statement, this is NOT a public health issue.
Cervical cancer can only be contracted through sexual activity, therefore by definition, it is absolutely avoidable through sexual abstinence until marriage.

If both spouses make the choice to remain abstinent until marriage, it is almost impossible to contract cervical cancer.
Far from being an epidemic concern, this whole issue is the apparent result of a slick marketing campaign by an unscrupulous drug company, and the active participation by their political enablers in exchange for financial compensation, resulting in the loss of the rights of parents to choose the very best for our daughters, and it is a slap in the face to every freedom loving Virginian who ever trusted Bill Bolling with the protection of our Constitution which he took an OATH to uphold upon taking office.

In summary, it is clear that it is Bolling misrepresenting the truth, not Muldoon, and the arrogance of a man who will lie outright, knowing that the facts exist to prove him to be lying is breathtaking.
Here we have yet another instance of both major parties competing to see which one can steal our freedom the fastest, and still get us to vote for them in November.
And the Republicans wonders why they cannot win elections any more!!
The dem's have the luxury of having a base that cheers at the loss of freedom, and therefore are not offended at such.

Bill has apparently sold his principles for a few campaign dollars, and if we allow ourselves to be treated like this by those who claim to represent us, the end result of our political harlotry will be more of such treatment by the same individuals.

The Republican Party has a unique opportunity to present a stark conrast of bold colors, not pale pastels, to quote Reagan, to a Marxist regime in Washington, but we will have to work hard to overcome the reputation of Socialism we earned under the Bush regime.

The fact is, we did push a nearly Socialist agenda under Bush, and therefore the voters tend to disbelieve when we continue to profess to be the party of smaller and less government, when in reality we continue to advance the agenda of Merck far more that of Reagan.

This is why, among several other reasons, I am supporting Patrick Muldoon for L. Gov.
Even if Bolling's assertion that Muldoon can't win a general election is true,(remember Gilmore) then I would rather take that chance than to put my stamp of approval on the agenda of Bolling and Merck, at the expense of my rights to the welfare of my family.

Let the Democrats carry that standard.
As for me, I'll go with Reagan.

1 comment:

Willie Deutsch said...


Couple points, the FRC and the Family Foundation are totally separate and distinct groups. FRC Action sent out a mailer and e-mail endorsing Marshall before last years convention, and the Family Foundation does not endorse political candidates though most of the staff personally support Ken Cuccinelli for Attorney General.

Willie D.

"Government is not the solution to our problem.Government is the problem."
Ronald Reagan, first Inaugural Address, January 20, 1981